
Ageing well

To establish, in collaboration with others, an age-friendly community across Bath and North East Somerset.

Our ambition - In Bath and North East Somerset age is not a barrier to living well and the environment, activities and services support and enable older people to have opportunities to enjoy life and feel well.


Our Almshouse

One of the common fears among older people is the loss of independence and dignity as they age. Almshouses actively work to combat this fear by creating an environment that empowers residents to make their own choices and live life on their own terms. With appropriate support such as St John’s advice service, technology workshops and pastoral care, older individuals can maintain their independence for longer, enhancing their overall well-being and quality of life.

102 residents lived in St John’s almshouses in 2024
“Before I came to St John’s I lived in a horrible, cold flat. There were drug users and dealers outside my front door daily. Police raids had become a regular occurrence. My family and friends were so worried for my safety. I suffered from depression, and I was always worried about my security. I always double-bolted my doors. I was there for 11 years until someone recommended St John’s to me. The rest is history. I am so happy here. I feel the warmth, security, companionship, and the respect and compassion of the staff. I have made friends, and we all look out for each other. I can get involved with the activities that interest me and I am always treated with respect and feel valued. I am so happy here, having been depressed before. I know I am warm and safe here.”
A St John's almshouse resident

98% of residents feel safe and secure living at St John's.
100% of residents think home repairs are done to a high standard.
100% of residents say staff treat them with kindness, compassion and dignity.

In addition to providing accommodation, we also support a diverse range of activities delivered through partners, and a tailored advice service to support all mature adults in our community. 98% of our resident communtiy say that staff support them when they need it, with 97% of our residents saying they are given advice or signposted to relevant agencies when they ask. 

79 residents recieved pastoral support from our Good Living team.

Activities held at St John's in 2024

367 older adults attended our activity classes.
6608 attendances to our activity classes throughout the year.
64 activities were available for older adults to attend.
“I enjoy taking ballet classes, as they cater to people of all abilities, making it a welcoming environment for everyone. I love the social side of the class, which encourages connections with others whilst I work on strengthening my balance. I would definitely recommend these ballet classes to anyone looking to improve their balance and discipline, especially if they have a passion for music. It's a wonderful way to combine fitness and creativity!”
A St John's activity user
Previous report
Best start in life